Crazy corporate party on the Kopaszi Dam

At the Kopaszi Dam, exactly in the Tarpaulin Novel, we had a fierce party with the CRH team. We started the evening with a little dance study, and then the party started. I can tell you that I was able to meet a very party company. The favorite tune of the night, of course, was Despacito, which is undeniably the biggest hit of the year.

Thank you for the invitation, it was an experience for you to play music!

If you’re wondering what a super corporate party is like, take a look at my summary video. 🙂

We found Ferit as our corporate event, and we chose it based on his attitude, flexibility, and the selection of music available. We were happy with it before, during and after the event. The party went very well, it was also flexible in the post-production of the video, I can only recommend it.
Thank You


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