We went to Transylvania

Every wedding is a special and unique occasion, not only for Couples but for me as well.

One weekend in June we traveled far, all the way to Transylvania! More precisely, we didn’t stop at the Zentelaki Dam! Karola and David chose a wonderful venue for their wedding. Until the arrival of the guest army, we also set up two counters, one for the lagzi and one for the ceremony. Karolá’s had their request for the background music to be continuous, so we made double equipment for both the sound system and the players.

What also made their wedding special was that the church ceremony was “installed” on the site, as opposed to the usual civil ceremony. It was really touching and personal, thanks to the pastor’s speech we were able to learn even more about the history of the young party and their encounter.

The ceremony was followed by dinner, and after everyone lived well, the party started. The Transylvanian wedding people had unique requests, from which I was able to prepare from the pre-received music list, so I was not particularly surprised by the lagzi.

We also headed back to Budapest in the morning, the wedding filled us with energies, so the return trip seemed less long and tiring.

Thanks to Karola & amp; David that I was part of their big day!

Good luck to the newlyweds!

I thank Feri for the quick availability and the effort to fulfill our requests and ideas. I feel that guests of different ages and statuses could all dance to their own musical tastes, as the Feri played everything from classical to retro, rap, rock music to fun at our wedding. It was very important for us not to have a musical downtime during the wedding, so the party could be continuous. You have conjured a good mood for us! Thank You!

Karola & Dani

Ajánlott cikkek

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