We put ourselves on ice

We put ourselves on ice! Night Chorus figure skating show + DJ + Mulled wine and Vodka-soda-lime action on Saturday night in the Ice Garden in Hay Square! ⛸? // Night Skating with special lights & amp; effects & amp; music ❄️❄️⛄️❄️⛸⛸❄️❄️❄️❄️⛄️❄️⛸⛸❄️❄️❄️❄️⛄️❄️⛸⛸ ◾ January 13, 2018 and every Saturday thereafter from 9 pm to midnight! ⛸ Wonderful, alternating lights and music all over the track ?? Live DJ Set right next to the ice: the best music is mixed for you live ◾ Figure skating demonstration during the break between the two shifts! During opening hours (1027 Bp. Bakfark Bálint u. 2.)

Good company, Good-Good Location, What else do you need? 🙂 Birthday DJ? Request a quote from DJ FEREE – Official , wedding, birthday and event dj!

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