We are in every good party!

We visited the newest business and wellness hotel in Central Hungary in a four-star hotel located in Herceghalom, 15 minutes from Budapest. We were official for a corporate party. The inspiring atmosphere and innovative environment of the ABACUS Hotel quickly captivated us, although this is our first visit, but hopefully not our last. In his first-class restaurant, renowned master chefs were waiting for us and the young company. The organization is a star five! We entertained the international team of the MOL Group with real current radio hits. It was 3 o’clock in the morning from the scheduled midnight closing, but we didn’t mind this at all, as we are “in every good party”

Huge thanks for the Video Dóra Szénás / Dóra Photography Remember, if you are looking for a reliable and professional disc jockey, ask for a quote for a birthday party or something else DJ FEREE , the wedding and event DJ!


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