Fitness Party in Pécsvárad

It was a great experience & honor for us to be there on the FIRST family fitness day of Spin Zengő!
Myself, DJ FEREE – I was responsible for the music and the good atmosphere at the official all-day event, and my friend Gábor Ringwald conducted the programs professionally as a presenter.
Down with the hat in front of Csillag Szolnoki and Ádám Szolnoki for professional organization!
The trainings were super good, with no smaller names than Bence Gárdus, Sifi, Alexandra Béres – Weight Control, Tibor Cseh-Szakál & Ernő Lőrincz
Also proclaim the word TI so that you can reach as many people as possible, that in 2018 the II. Spin Zengő! Family Fitness Day !!!

On September 10, 2017, èn Feree and his colleagues took care of the atmosphere of our first family fitness day, where the three of them formed the perfect combo of a responsible musician, announcer, video maker. Their harmony was precise and mature, their professionalism manifested in all respects. Feree has a great sense of what age he plays the music, so he practically didn’t have to be bombarded with constant instructions. Although I am quite critical in many respects, the fruit of the successful work has been that I want to work with them only in the future. What I would like to emphasize that I met Ferit as an infinitely sympathetic person, he also served our building with his suggestions, not only did the work dry. For a service provider, this is one of the most important aspects, so that in addition to what it offers, it is also humanly appealing.

Szolnoki Csillag

Ajánlott cikkek

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