DJ Feree at the Embassy

At the Embassy of Finland, Petri Tuomi-Nikula Ambassador I was able to play music in a really elegant & exclusive environment of JTB Hungary* courtesy. Foreign partners invited to year-end corporate event, with several Japanese and Asian diplomats, few Hungarian guests….. Sárik Péter In the company of a pianist, I entertained the meritorious.

The standing reception was lounge-style, with softer music and later pop music.
Separate technical staff was also available, which the Tajti-Music Hangszerpláza provided.

*Travel company, mainly to the Asian region.

At our corporate event at the end of November 2017, we asked Ferit to take care of the good atmosphere of the guests and the musical background of the programs. He had to meet a number of challenges – including tuning in to the taste of the guest army (mostly foreign guests were present at the event) and tuning in an old piano. So we gave up the lesson, but Feri was in a great position and we got outstanding service in every area. Thanks to his tireless work and enthusiastic attitude, all the guests left satisfied. 🙂
Thank you again for your work and we hope to have more cooperation together in the future!

Nikolett Németh - Marketing Coordinator

Good company, Good-Good location, What else do you need? 🙂 Birthday DJ? Ask for an offer DJ FEREE – Officialfrom the wedding, birthday and event dj!

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