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Best in a team

Our colleaguesin The DJ team of the Event are excellent in the profession and as human beings too. More than 1,000 weddings have been done in recent years. Our goal is to show what quality, professional attitude and commitment are. We believe in providing a full range of services, at a high standard, without compromise. Therefore, we have devoted our resources to providing the best sound and spectacular lighting technology on the market. In addition, we can provide a number of extra services that improve the atmosphere of the party and raise its standard.


Experienced, reliable DJs to fulfil as many requests as possible


We recognize their work professionally and value them personally. By cooperating with them, success can be pre-empted.
Szénás Dóra / DÓRA FILMPhoto / Video

I make the moment memorable. Professional work is great because of the high- quality.

Hadár GergelyLighting, Sound Engineer

I make the moment memorable. Professional work is great because of the high-quality.

Fedics Ricsi esküvői táncoktató nyitótánctanár
Fedics RicsiDance teacher

I help my couples make their wedding ceremony look like what they dreamed.

Brackó CsillaDancer / Choreographer / ECDS
Choreography of unique and spectacular wedding dances, teaching unusual prom dances

Master of Ceremonies

As a DJ, we work with them regularly. We know their work is really important, so based on this experience, I recommend them to you. They do an excellent and efficient job which is important for a successful wedding
Szigetvári TamásMaster of Ceremonies

If you want a stylish, modern, clean, partly traditional, but still party wedding (even in English).

Kővári MátéMaster of Ceremonies

You may also be familiar with RTL Klub or Dumaszínház. Young / Vibrant / Elegant & Humorous.

Szakály Gergő ceremóniamester
Szakály GergőMaster of Ceremonies

I am similar to the American CMs, who conduct the youthful wedding in a cheerful, somewhat party-like manner.

Pócs GyulaMagician/Illusionist MC

Life is a jigsaw puzzle. It is important that as many colorful puzzle pieces as possible fall into place in our lives, so that in the end we can see a complete, complete picture behind us, which fills us with joy.

Why should you choose us?

There are three reasons to work together:
We are innovative

We love new things! We often come up with new, up-to-date ideas to make dreams come true.

We love challenges

If our attitude is right, there is no high barrier, no impossible plan and there is no to big of a challange.

We love music

Whatever our job or how we spend our free time, our goal is happiness. The Purpose of Life Is to Enjoy Every Moment.

DJ Feree a Rendezvény DJ

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    7642Facebook follower
    3446500Mixed viewership
    749Night of partying
    121Broken Heel


    Suggested locations

    Rozmaring RestaurantDanube bank/ 9 location
    NyeregCity Park / 300m2

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